The Policy Council and Parent Committees


Since 1965, First Start Partnerships for Children & Families has been rooted in the principle that families are essential partners in their children’s education and that they should help to decide how First Start’s services can most benefit their own and other families in the community. Click below for more information about parent committees and Policy Council.

Parent Committees and Policy Council Information

Parent Committees and Policy Council Information(Spanish)


Policy Council Meeting Agenda 6-25-2024

Policy Council Meeting Minutes 4-23-2024

Policy Council Meeting Agenda 4-23-2024

Policy Council Meeting Minutes 3-26-2024

Policy Council Meeting Agenda 3-26-2024

Policy Council Meeting Minutes 2-27-2024

Policy Council Meeting Agenda 2-27-2024

Policy Council Meeting Minutes 1-24-2024

Policy Council Meeting Agenda 1-23-2024

Policy Council Meeting Minutes 10-24-2023

Policy Council Meeting Agenda 10-24-2023


Policy Council Meeting Minutes 4-19-2023

Policy Council Meeting Minutes 3-14-2023 Spanish (1)

Policy Council Meeting Minutes 3-14-2023 (1)

Policy Council Meeting Minutes 2-14-2023 (2)

Policy Council Meeting Minutes 9-19-2022Policy Council Meeting Minutes 10-17-2022 –

Reviewed Spanish Translation (1)Policy Council Meeting Minutes 10-17-2022 (1)

Policy Council Meeting Minutes 8-15-2022(1)



PC Agenda 8.16.21    PC Minutes 8.16.21

PC Agenda 9.20.21    PC Minutes 9.20.21

PC Agenda 10.18.21  PC Minutes 10.18.21

PC Agenda 11.15.21  PC Minutes 11.15.21

PC Agenda 1.18.22    PC Minutes 1.18.22

PC Agenda 2.15.22    PC Minutes 2.15.22

PC Agenda 4.19.22   PC Minutes 4-19-2022

PC Agenda 5-16-22  PC Minutes 5-16-2022

PC Agenda 6.13.22   PC Minutes 6-13-2022



PC Minutes -4-19-21

PC Agenda 3.15.21     PC Minutes -3-15-21

PC Agenda 2.16.21     PC Minutes -2-16-21

PC Agenda -1-19-21    PC Minutes -1-19-21

PC Agenda -11-16-20  PC Minutes -11-16-20

PC Agenda -9-21-20    PC minutes 9-21-20

PC Agenda 8-24-20     PC minutes 8-24-20